Next random comment: Why can I not help myself when presented with three remaining chocolate baked goods? The rest of the time i tend to eat one or two cookies or brownies at a time. . . usually one. But the last two times I've baked chocolate treats, I've eaten the last three all at once. It feels gluttonous. It happened with the chocolate and Mini Egg cookies I made. It happened again tonight with the remaining unfrozen brownies. I rationalize it like this: I eat two and there's one left. I figure if I eat it now I just won't eat it later so it's fine. Plus, I was planning to work out after each mini-binge. But now I have no more delicious brownies. . . more on them later.
You might be wondering where luck comes into this. I went to buy a few essentials at Safeway tonight: milk, eggs, bread, Shreddies, family size Fruit and Nut Dark. Actually, it's probably lucky that family size Cadbury bars are on for a dollar. But I had more luck. You know how nobody ever wins on those contest cards at Safeway? Well, I never had except Airmiles, which I don't collect. Tonight I won!!! A rather fancy pen, well fancier than anything I already have. It has a lifetime warranty, but I'll probably lose it. That's why I don't have nice pens. Anyways, who doesn't like to win?

My third stroke of luck came when I knocked my favourite water glass on the floor and it didn't break. I have the magic touch . . . maybe.