This is where I continue my list o' cheese:
Gouda: A nice flavour in a cheese, I can't really describe it but it's good. Sometimes in the afternoon, it's Gouda time, just ask my sister.
Swiss: This cheese was my enemy for life. I really didn't like the taste when I was little. But now, I'm quite okay with it. It has a taste, I like that in a cheese. It's good on sandwiches. Besides, who doesn't enjoy looking at a cheese with holes.
Pecorino Romano: A hard, salty Italian cheese that I grate on my pastas right how. Pasta is way better with some cheese. I'm sure Parmigiano is also good. Much better than cheese from a can. This cheese appears in the photo above.
Mozzarella: This cheese is a lot bland for me in it's industrial form, which is most of what I've eaten. Those fresh ones people talk about might be nice. Otherwise, this is only for pizza. But don't get me wrong, I love pizza.
Gruyere: I bought a Swiss imported Gruyere. It's quite mild and perhaps a bit nutty.
Cottage Cheese: I like the tartness of cottage cheese but have not eaten it recently.
Cantenaar: My cheese of the moment. This is a Dutch cheese. I'd say it's semi-hard. It's lower in fat than many cheeses but it has a really satisfying tang. I guess it's a bit sharp. It's good for sandwiches. . . actually the description in the store said it was. That's why I bought it. It's photographed above.
That's all I can think of for now folks. Please, tell me about your favourite cheeses.