First off, there is some good that the rain and perpetual threat of rain during the month of June does. By the way, I don't think I'll ever get used to rain, I think I'm some sort of desert creature--although I require a lot of water to drink. But, the plants that are just starting to grow in the Campus Community Garden are not desert creatures and the rain helps them grow and flourish. Some of the first plants available for eating--what good is a plant you can't eat?--are the lettuces. Look at this assortment of mixed baby greens I cut on Saturday:

You can't find that in any grocery store, seriously. They were so colourful and tender. And amazingly tasty what with the peppery arugula and other milder greens mixed together. A little red wine vinegar, olive oil, and pepper and I had one delicious salad.
I'm also thrilled by the thought of the other wonderful things the garden will produce for me to eat--if I put in a little work helping with the weeding and watering. There will be strawberries and raspberries, so sweet that I won't touch the ones in a store after tasting them. There will be sweet peas, green beans, yellow beans, spinach, chard, cucumbers, and at the end of it all garlic and tomatoes. Plus, I can pluck fresh herbs every now and then to make my food truly special.
Now, garden fresh veggies and berries are the healthful joys of summer. I am also partial to another summertime treat, gelato. Gelato makes ordinary ice cream seem . . . inadequate when compared to its smooth, rich texture. I really like gelato. But, I've had it just once so far this season at a new cafe called Da Capo on 109th Street. The mixed nut flavour was a generous portion as a small to stay and was so nutty and so delectable. I am very partial to nut gelatos. If you don't have allergies, try them. Gelato is also available at Block 1912 on Whyte and at Leva on 111 Street. I think both are good. Gelato is never really cheap but it's so worth the expense.